The Little Mermaid

March 21, 2012 § 13 Comments

The little mermaid perching by the water. Copenhagen, Denmark. Dec 28, 2011.

I don’t quite understand the logic behind sending a replica of a statue to be displayed at the World Expo in Shanghai, nor the reasoning for all those people who flocked to see this statue in a pavilion with not much else to see…. However, when you’re a tourist in Copenhagen why would you pass it? So for the sake of saying: “I’ve seen the mermaid in Denmark”, I walked up the Amaliegade, through a park and have a glimpse of this quiet beauty.

On my way to see the mermaid. Copenhagen, Denmark. Dec 28, 2011.

Are these like... food market with picnic benches for customers? Copenhagen, Denmark. Dec 28, 2011.

It was cold and drizzling, but there were quite a number of people wandering around the park. Some locals were running, but I think there were more tourists. The walk was not a short one, I passed by a church, lots of green and also see some gigantic smoke chimneys across the water… certainly not the walk with the best view. Just when I started to wonder where was the mermaid, I saw flash light kept going off from afar. That got to be the thrown of the mermaid.

I went up, took some pictures, but I really couldn’t get excited about this. I guess I’m just not a fan of the tale of this little mermaid, and I’m not too crazy about bronze statue. However, the fact that she had been amputated several times, is pretty fascinating.

…and the mermaid marked the end of my visit in Copenhagen!

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