On The Street of Vienna

January 20, 2012 § 8 Comments

Here are a few things I found interesting, while stomping around the street of Vienna.

The best sign I've seen for a store selling tea-related products. Vienna. Dec 13, 2011.

The biggest Monet I've found! Outside Albertina, Vienna. Dec 12, 2011.

Modern art that I don't quite understand. Vienna. Dec 12, 2011.

Horses with "horns" next to the St Stephen's Cathedral, Vienna. Dec 12, 2011.

This lipizzan, who was the biggest poser at the Spanish Riding School, Vienna. Dec 12, 2011.

Quite interesting that most of the litter bin were small and lifted off the ground. Vienna, Dec 12, 2011.

Not sure if this was art installation... look like blocks of spam to me. Vienna, Dec 12, 2011

These street signs still puzzle me.... What the hell do they mean?! Vienna, Dec 12, 2011.

For the more pictures of my Vienna trip, please visit my picasa album.


Update: So I have contacted the Vienna Tourism Board about those street signs. I thought of a few possibilities: no dating or lingering on the streets; no hands on hips; no one should approach another gender…… turns out, the answer was simple and normal :

The traffic sign (street sign) you are looking for is the sign for a pedestrian zone, a traffic-free environment [on the left] and the end of a pedestrian zone [on the right].

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§ 8 Responses to On The Street of Vienna

  • 50 States Design Project says:

    I love these types of travel pics. We’ve all seen the famous skylines. I want more unique items like these 🙂

  • I’d also like to know what those signs mean (last photo).

    • Katharine says:

      I know! they are so mysterious looking. This is one thing I love in foreign countries, they always have strange signs that don’t make any sense to me!

      I’ll let you know if i have the answer 🙂

  • Agreed. But that doesn’t seem like a good wayfinding design. If I used that in class, my teacher would not have been pleased – lol!

  • As I can see you have already got an answer regarding the signs. Congrats on the photo of the Lipizzan horse. I often pass that building which is known as the winter quarter for the horses. Generally the door is closed so I hadn’t been able to take a picture like you did. Did you join a guided tour there?

    • Katharine says:

      Haha I should have gotten in contact with you first! Anyway, the Vienna’s tourism board was very helpful with the sign 😉

      Unfortunately, I was on my way to the Hofburg, and didn’t have the time to take a guided tour at the Spanish riding school. I’m sure it must be great to learn more about these magnificent creatures!

      Oh, actually I took the pictures outside the glass window, at the corridor next to road. This lipizzan horse happened to be the one closest to the glass, and seems like it loves all the attention, kept giving us one side of its face. poser 😉

  • Katharine says:

    Thank you for stopping by 🙂

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