Just look at the ceiling!

January 16, 2012 § Leave a comment

Ceiling details at dome Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna. Dec 13, 2011.

I was very looking forward to see Cellini’s Salt Cellar at the Kunsthistorisches Museum. It was one of the first few art pieces I learned about during my art history class in college in California. My teacher played a slide show of this little golden sculpture, I remember thinking that this was just beautiful, and it was made to hold salt and pepper?! However, when I finally had the chance to visit, I couldn’t find it after walking around the whole place. What a disappointment! I might have missed it but I was too tired to ask or walk anymore. So I end up not seeing this great piece. However,my visit at the Kunsthistorisches Museum was still very enjoyable.

The building itself is already a work of art. Once I stepped in, I couldn’t stop tilting my head to admire all those intricate details on the ceiling. Every corner of it seems to have a different set of patterns. I literally stood there and just looked for a good 15 mins (while my mom was busy taking pictures with the camera and then her cell phone…)

The beautiful staircase. Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna. Dec 13, 2011.

This one looks a bit like a lemon slice. Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna. Dec 13, 2011.

Another corner of the ceiling. You won't find any blank spaces up there. Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna. Dec 13, 2011.

After we were done marveling at the gorgeous ceiling, we found lots of world class painting. I knew quite a lot of them from books I read, such as the Tower of Babel (c.1563)by Pieter Bruegel.As my mother knew not much about this Bible story, so I had the chance to do a bit of story telling . It was a very interesting experience: She was like a kid who was intrigued, especially with the visual help of this old painting, knowing the story behind always makes art more interesting. Here’s another painting that captivate my mother who doesn’t know much about art or its history: Jupiter and lo (c.1530) by Antonio Allegro da Correggio. At first my mom only saw the pretty lady in the frame and she didn’t find anything particularly special. However it all changed when she realized there’s the face of a man in the cloud. She found the passion and love/seduction in it. It was the union of nature and human with a touch of haunting beauty in it.

Carreggio's Jupiter and Lo at the Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna. Dec 13, 2011.

Don't know why, but I find this very interesting to look at. Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna. Dec 13, 2011.

When we were finished with our tour at the museum, we arrived at this part of the museum with yet another gorgeous ceiling, beautiful columns and a busy cafe at the bottom with stunning floor pattern!

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